Contact Lenses
We have been fitting specialty contact lenses for years and have seen some incredible changes in that time. By far the most exciting changes have occurred in the last few years.
New silicon based contact lens materials have revolutionized the industry. The new materials minimize the drying effect and also permeate greater amounts of oxygen to the eye. This generally leads to greater comfort and eye health. Newer designs in multifocal contact lens have diminished the need for reading glasses for those individuals who wear them over their contacts.
Although rigid contact lenses are a shrinking segment of the industry, we still have a large number of patients who wear them. The gas-permeable lens materials available today far surpass those available just a few years ago in terms of eye health, comfort and vision as well.
Soft contacts are available as a daily wear lens in a multitude of designs; thus eliminating the need for cleaning and over-night soaking. This is the healthiest modality available to date.
If you were told in the past that there was some reason you could not wear contacts; give us a call you might be pleased at what is available today.